Your Ultimate Guide to the Eric Carle Museum

I already spoke about how much I like Amherst, Massachusetts previously, because of all the things it offers to its citizens and visitors.

Another chapter in my love for the town started when I recently visited the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art.

The museum is great for children, educators, and picture book enthusiasts, presenting the wonderful world of picture books and the art that brings them to life.

Let me share my expereince with you.

Practical Information

the Eric Carle Museum

The museum’s hours of operation vary by season.

  • From September through June
    • Closed on Mondays
    • Open Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
    • Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
    • Sunday from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
  • During July and August
    • Open every day from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays
  • It’s closed on major holidays.

Admission fees are quite reasonable:

  • $9 for adults
  • $6 for youth (1-18), students, teachers, and seniors.
  • A family pack is available for $22.50

Discounts are also available through local library passes, making it accessible for more families.

Location and Accessibility

The Eric Carle Museum is conveniently located near Hampshire College, just about 10 minutes south of the UMASS campus.

  • Address:125 West Bay Road, Amherst, MA

Getting there was quite straightforward. I found it helpful to use nearby landmarks like Atkins Farm to guide my way. If you’re driving, there are clear signs along the route to point you in the right direction.

The museum is also accessible by public transportation, which makes it an easy destination for everyone.

Once there, I was pleased to find ample parking and wheelchair accessibility, ensuring that all visitors could enjoy the experience without any hassle.

The setting is quite picturesque, surrounded by the serene beauty of Amherst, making the journey there almost as delightful as the visit itself.

Museum Features

Now let us take a look at the most important features this museum offers:

Art Galleries

Easter Egg Hunt

One of the most captivating parts of my visit was the art galleries. The “Eric Carle Through The Years” exhibit showcases Eric Carle’s original artwork.

I found it fascinating to see the progression of his style over the years. The interactive elements, such as the “Easter Egg Hunt” where children search for hidden initials, added an engaging twist to the experience.

The museum features rotating exhibits that highlight works from various illustrators.

During my visit, I saw illustrations by Louis Darling, renowned for his work on Beverly Cleary’s books.

Each exhibit provided a unique insight into the art of picture books, making it a truly enriching experience.


The library was another highlight. It’s filled with children’s books, creating a serene and magical environment perfect for reading.

I enjoyed spending time there, and I noticed that children were particularly drawn to the special storytime sessions.

These sessions, along with the play areas, made the library a lively and interactive space.

It’s not just a place for quiet reading but also for fostering a love of books and stories in a playful setting.

The ambiance of the library was calming yet filled with the vibrant energy of children discovering new stories.

Art Studio

Eric Carle Museum art studio

The art studio is a fantastic space where children can engage in hands-on art projects. It’s equipped with various art supplies and offers themed activities that spark creativity.

I watched children as they enthusiastically painted and crafted their masterpieces.

The studio’s environment encourages artistic expression and exploration, making it a fun and educational space.

It’s wonderful to see a place where kids can immerse themselves in art and let their imaginations run wild.

The studio truly embodies the museum’s mission to inspire creativity in young minds.

Interactive Exhibits

The interactive exhibits are a joy for both children and adults. One of the most popular spots is the Hungry Caterpillar VW Bug, perfect for a memorable photo.

There’s also a nighttime exhibit with a light bright table and a “Night Stroll” that creates a magical atmosphere.

Interactive artwork and sculptures throughout the museum engage children in a hands-on experience that’s both educational and entertaining.

These exhibits make the museum visit dynamic and memorable, encouraging visitors to interact with art in unique ways.

The playful and innovative displays are a testament to the museum’s dedication to creating an engaging environment for all ages.

Visitor Experience

the Eric Carle Museum

My visit to the Eric Carle Museum was filled with personal highlights and emotional connections.

I had the pleasure of meeting Eric Carle during a special event, which was an unforgettable experience. His warmth and passion for art were truly inspiring.

The welcoming atmosphere of the museum made it easy to feel at home. Families with children were everywhere, exploring and enjoying the exhibits.

The museum staff were friendly and knowledgeable, enhancing the overall experience.

It’s a place that leaves a lasting impression, fostering a love for picture books and the art behind them.